Girls and women adhering to this abnormal belief, or being forced to it, I'm writing this to you with absolute sincerity, because I'm sure you feel that something is off. If you're unsure whether God would tell you to do something that is so condescending, unreasonable and inconvenient, I'm here to hopefully make you certain that he wouldn't.
Muslim men are lunatics, and they've taken in agendas that give them more control over women and their family. These agendas contradict God's word, and these men have a hefty price to pay. God never asked you to cover your hair, head, or neck. In this very clear verse, God asks you to cover your adornments and breasts only:
And tell the (female) believers to restrain their gazes and preserve their orifices and to not reveal their adornments except for what has been revealed of it, and to use their garments to cover their breasts, and to not reveal their adornments except to their partners or their fathers or their partners' fathers or their sons or their partners' sons or their brothers or their brothers' sons or their sisters' sons or their women or those whom their right hand possesses or male attendants with no primary sexual attraction or the children who have not yet appealed to women's beauty, and to not stamp with their feet to draw attention to their beauty. And repent to God all of you O' believers may you be winners (24.31)
There is no context or story to this verse, which means it's an instructional one. The verse before it tells the men to only {restrain their gazes and preserve their orifices, this is what is purer for them ...} (24.30). And in a different verse, God asks his believers {Say, who has prohibited the adornment God has brought forth for his servants?...} (7.32) while referring to male privates. Therefore, men have nothing to have to hide, not according to God, and he obviously knew we'd eventually prohibit it anyway.
This is all part of the same external 'hadith' agenda by the damned Saudi institutions in control of our religion, and for someone with an Arabic tongue who spent sometime researching and studying religion, God's verses regarding this are pretty straight forward. But their man composed 'hadiths' are not, and they're rather always quite contradictory to what the Qur'an says. This is the word of your God: Men don't need to cover if they don't want to, and women need to cover their adornments and their breasts only. So, don't hesitate to take it over what they unlawfully associate with him.
God actually encourages you to not listen to those people, because even if it's your parents that are adamant about it, you can still do as you please and hide it from them, God says:
But if they strive with you to make you associate with Me something of which you certainly have no knowledge, do not obey them but treat them with kindness and due consideration in this world, and follow the words of that who turns to Me with utmost sincerity, then to Me is your return, and then I will make you certain about what you have been doing (31.15)
The other verses concerning women that mention 'Hijab' and 'Jilbab' or are all indeed contextual, and the words mean nothing like what some deviant Muslim men claim. They're about a story regarding some sick men who hurt the believers during the prophet's reign. So, allow me to refute them here in case anyone brings them up.
This verse tells you some of the story. You'll find the word that was translated from Hijab (حجاب) in bold:
O you who believe! Do not enter the Prophet's rooms unless you have been invited to a meal, without waiting there for it to be served, but if you are indeed invited enter, and if you are done eating disperse and do not linger for mere talk. That causes trouble for the Prophet, and he is shy of you, but God does not shy away from the truth. When you ask pleasure of his wives, ask them from behind a screen. Your doing so is purer for your hearts and for their hearts. And It is wasn't for you to cause hurt to God's Messenger or to ever marry his wives after him. That would be an enormity in God's sight (33.53)
They were harassing the prophet's wives and asking to marry them in his own house, despite having been told that his wives were forbidden. Despite that, God only told them to put a physical barrier or a screen between them and Muhammad's wives, because he was too shy to speak up.
However, these men didn't understand who God was, and didn't stop their malign behaviors even after the warnings from God. So, on a later verse, God used the word Jilbabs (جلابيببهن) to help believers protect themselves from these hypocrites, because they were probably claiming that they're approaching all women because they can't tell whether they're believers or if they don't want to be approached. I'll bold the translation here too:
O Prophet! Tell your wives and your daughters and the women of the believers, to draw over themselves some part of their outer garments. This is better and more convenient for them to be recognized and not harassed, and God is indeed all forgiving and all compassionate (33.59)
And on the verse right after that one, God wanted to warn the hypocrites one last time that they'd be expelled if they don't stop:
Assuredly, if the hypocrites and those in whose hearts there is a disease, and those scare-mongers in the City do not desist, We will most certainly urge you against them, and then they will not be able to remain in it except a little while (33.60)
Again, these verses came down on people that had been hurting the believers and their women, and hurt the prophet and his wives. They used to be conspicuously indecent, even at the prophet's house. So, as you can tell they mean nothing like what some idiots claim.
Warn the men who tell you to wear it about lying about God, and following what he has not brought down himself as if he did. If they pull up "hadiths", tell them that if they believe those things, they also believe that it's okay for a man to rape his wife, or marry 9 year old girl. Would you dare believe that about our prophet? I wouldn't call those who believe that to be Muslims.
God also says on the second page of the Book:
This book undoubtedly has guidance for the Pious (2.2)
Pious people are highly regarded believers, it is the best form of faith we can acquire. Therefore, If it's not from the Book, it's not from God. Don't follow it.
Devout Muslim women are always looking for a way to get around it, but they're burdening themselves with what has been forced upon them by men, not God. Why else do you think Jews and Christians never needed it? They're believers too, and they have their Scripture, and given the current state of affairs we really can't claim that we're doing it any better than they are.
Even our own great grandmas would have no clue what a Hijab is, and you might have heard about president Abdel-Nasser laughing it off when it was first suggested by the cursed brotherhood in Egypt - it just didn't exist. This is all a late agenda that has been enforced because your fathers and husbands agreed to adopt it. All because these 'hadiths' gave them power and made them believe they own you just because you're a female.
If you want to leave it on you, leave it - just understand you're not required to wear it by God. But only by them - the deviant men.